The Wharton Public Library maintains several DVD collections for home use by Wharton Library cardholders and members of Main Library Alliance libraries. The individual must possess a valid Wharton or other Main library card that has less than $10 in outstanding fines and is free of other restrictions.
Regular DVD Collection
Borrower must be 14 years or older
Seven (7) day loan period
$1.00 per day fine for each overdue DVD a maximum of $5.00 each
Limit of 3 DVDs and 3 videos per HOUSEHOLD (this includes all DVD collections combined)
Borrower is responsible for replacement costs of lost or damaged DVDs
One renewal
New DVDs are in a “5 Day” DVD collection
Borrower must be 14 years or older
Five (5) day loan period
$1.00 per day fine for each overdue DVD with a maximum of $5.00 each
Limit of 3 DVDs and 3 videos per HOUSEHOLD (this includes all DVD collections combined)
Borrower is responsible for replacement costs of lost or damaged videos
No renewal
The library accepts no responsibility for any damage to the borrower’s equipment.