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Fiction for Pre-K and Kindergarten
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
Doreen Cronin
When some cows find a typewriter in a barn they start making demands.
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Anna Dewdney
A little llama worries after his mom puts him to bed and goes downstairs.
Eating the Alphabet
Louise Ehlert
An alphabetical tour of fruits and veggies, from apricot to zucchini.
Ian Falconer
Olivia is a feisty pig who has too much energy for her own good.
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse
Kevin Henkes
When Lilly’s teacher asks her to wait her turn, she does something for which she is sorry.
How Rocket Learned to Read
Tad Hills
A little yellow bird teaches Rocket the dog how to read.
My Lucky Day
Keiko Kasza
When a pig knocks on a fox's door, the fox thinks dinner has arrived. But the pig has other plans!
The Snowy Day
Ezra Jack Keats
The adventures of a little boy in the city on a very snowy day.
Miss Spider's Tea Party
David Kirk
When Miss Spider tries to host a tea party, the other bugs refuse to come.
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
Eric Litwin
Pete gets into colorful adventures while out walking in his white shoes.
Froggy Gets Dressed
Jonathan London
Froggy hops out into the snow but is called back by his mother to put on warm clothing.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Bill Martin
What happens when the alphabet tries to climb a coconut tree?
Just a Minute
Yuyi Morales
Señor Calavera learns to count as he helps Grandma plan a party.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Laura Numeroff
What will a mouse ask for after you give him a cookie?
Curious George
H.A. Rey
The curiosity of a newly-captured monkey gets him into trouble.
Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak
A little boy is sent to bed without his supper. He sails to the land of the wild things where he becomes king.
No, David!
David Shannon
A naughty boy finally gets a hug.
Caps for Sale
Esphyr Slobodkina
A tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business.
A Sick Day for Amos McGee
Philip Christian Stead
When the zookeeper gets sick, the animals visit to cheer him up.
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred
S.R. Vamos
A group of animals help a farm maiden make arroz con leche.
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