Get the facts about STDs. Real-life examples of how to deal with these issues are mixed with data from scientific studies, tips on how to live with and treat STDs, and the history of STDs. Find what you need to know in this information-packed book.
Changing Bodies, Changing Lives Ruth Bell
This book addressed questions about sex, love, friendship, and how your body works to dealing with problems at school and home and figuring out who you are. It's packed with illustrations, checklists, and resources for the answers you really need.
When Nothing Matters Anymore Bev Cobain
Full of solid information and straight talk, When Nothing Matters Anymore defines and explains adolescent depression, reveals how common it is, describes the symptoms, and spreads the good news that depression is treatable. Personal stories, photos, and poetry from teens dealing with depression speak directly to readers' feelings, concerns, and experiences.
Tattoos, Body Piercings, and Health L.K. Currie-McGhee
Tackling an on-trend topic, this entry in the Library of Tattoos and Body Piercings series offers a readable introduction to diverse body modifications, from ear sculpting to piercing techniques. Along with exploring reasons behind the practices, the book addresses risks, such as infections and tattoo removal costs, or how modifications may hamper employment.
Freedom from Self-Harm Kim Gratz
This guide to stopping self-injury gives facts about self-harm, corrects common myths, and provides self-soothing techniques you can begin using for regulating overwhelming emotions. It also includes self-assessment worksheets, guidance for seeking professional help, and information about therapies and medications.
Human Body: A Book with Guts Dan Green
Meet the characters and processes that that keep the human body chugging along. From the basic building blocks like Cell, DNA, and Protein, to Bones, Muscles, and all of the fun-loving Organs, readers will cozy up with the guys on the inside. Trust us -- liver has never looked better!
Healthy Weight for Teens Carla Mooney
This book will empower teens to make smart food and lifestyle choices so they can reach and maintain a healthy weight. They will also learn how to stay well-fueled, feel and look terrific and get healthy!
Bringing Up Parents Alex Packer
Straight talk and specific suggestions on how teens can take the initiative to resolve conflicts with parents, earn trust, accept responsibility, and help to create a healthier, happier home environment.
When Life Stinks Michel Piquemal
This book will help readers to distinguish between age-appropriate feelings and more serious mood disturbances. Normal mood swings, striving for independence, physical changes, and frustration with parents and teachers are some of the topics that are explored.
The Anxiety Workbook for Teens Lisa Schab
If you feel anxious most of the time, you're not alone. The good news is that there are a lot of effective techniques you can use to reduce your anxiety and learn how to keep it from taking over your life. This workbook offers a set of simple activities you can do to make it happen.
Beyond the Blues Lisa Schab Many people experience depression at one time or another in their lives, but during the adolescent years, the vast number of changes that occur make teens even more susceptible to feelings of confusion or sadness. The activities in this book can help you cope with sad and difficult feelings, find new ways to make friends, and deal with conflicts.
Stopping the Pain: A Workbook for Teens Lawrence Shapiro If you’re cutting or hurting yourself you’re not alone. There are a lot of reasons why teens hurt themselves. None of them are your fault, but there is a lot you can do to make your future a place you’d like to spend some time, a place free from the pain, loneliness and isolation of cutting. This workbook offers a way for you to make it happen.