Learn how Harriet Tubman spied for the Union during the Civil War, along with other slaves and free Blacks.
Lizards Nic Bishop
Simple text and vibrant pictures present basic information and fun facts about lizards.
What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Jean Fritz
A brief biography of Ben Franklin.
The Tarantula in My Purse Jean Craighead George
A collection of autobiographical stories about raising a houseful of children and wild pets.
Owen & Mzee Isabella Hatkoff
The true story of the orphaned baby hippo and 130-year-old giant turtle whose remarkable friendship touched millions around the world.
George Did It Suzanne Tripp Jurmain
Lively text explains why Americans wanted George Washington to be their first president and how reluctant the successful general felt about accepting the position.
The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins Barbara Kerley
The story of Victorian artist Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, who built life-sized models of dinosaurs.
What to Do About Alice Barbara Kerley
A biography of Alice Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt’s irrepressible daughter.
The Fairy Ring Mary Losure
The story of two early-twentieth-century cousins who created photographs of fairies using paper cutouts and drew the attention of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Ship David Macaulay
Learn about the wooden ships or caravels of the 15th Century and follow archaeologists as they uncover a caravel in the Caribbean Sea.
Mighty Jackie, the Strike-Out Queen Marissa Moss
In 1931, 17-year-old Jackie Mitchell pitched against Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in an exhibition game, becoming the first professional female pitcher in history.
How Angel Peterson Got His Name Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen relates tales from his youth in northwestern Minnesota in the 1950s, such as skiing behind a souped-up car and imitating daredevil Evel Knievel.
Sequoyah: The Man Who Gave His People Writing James Rumford
A biography of a Cherokee man named Sequoyah, who decided in the early 1800s to give the Cherokee language a written form.
Dizzy Jonah Winter
Rhythmic text and hip illustrations introduce the life of famous jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie.